Techniques for Healthy Skin in Winter

As the mercury plummets outside just before Christmas it is likely that the cold weather is beginning to have a detrimental impact on your skin and your regular skincare routine is likely inadequate to meet the harsh demands of winter weather.

When it comes to the health of your skin, it will be necessary to modify your skincare regimen to ensure that your skin remains protected and hydrated throughout the winter months, so you shine at the Christmas party and maintain that look all the way until you’re back at work in grey January.

How Cold Air Impacts your Skin

Warm air has a higher capacity for holding water and moisture than cold air. When the temperatures drop, the air will contain less water than your skin is accustomed to. The lower humidity can cause your skin to not obtain the moisture levels that it needs to remain healthy, comfortable, and beautiful. In essence, cold air can cause the skin to dry out exponentially, which can lead to cracking, itchiness, chapping, and redness. It may also simply worsen existing skin concerns, such as acne or eczema.

Indoor Issues in the Winter

Despite the air inside being warmer, heating systems don’t generally introduce more moisture to the air. In fact, most heating systems dry out the air that is present within the building. In addition, warm air inside results in you experiencing extreme temperature fluctuations when you go from inside to outside and vice versa. These temperature changes cause the capillaries of your skin to contract and expand at an exorbitant rate. This often results in redness, broken veins, and inflammation.

In addition, the amount of sleep that you get is important to the health of your skin and a home that is incredibly hot will likely deplete the quality of your sleep. These negative effects can be avoided by keeping the temperature lowered in your home – I know, crazy talk.

Eat Well.

It’s Christmas and eating well normally means eating lots and badly. It’s practically the law.

Increasing sugar consumption often wreaks havoc on the skin. Sugar (and other high glycaemic foods like breads, potatoes and rice) spike our insulin levels and through a hormonal chain reaction this leads to increased skin oil production and higher inflammation responses aka breakouts. So, try to cut back on the sweets. Yes, I am the Grinch.

Implementing a half attempted nutrition plan can go a long way toward improving the health of your skin during the cold winter months even if a full-on nutritional food dictatorship is impossible. Eat fruits (satsumas) and vegetables (roast vegetables) regularly to provide important nutrients to your skin. These foods also contain high amounts of antioxidants, which are vital in fighting the impacts of aging and damage. Take care not to go crazy and eat too many fruits though (satsumas again), as they may contain high levels of sugar that can inflame your skin.

It is additionally important to ensure that you eat adequate amounts of healthy fats. These fats help to keep your skin healthy, flexible, and pliable. There are many great sources of healthy fats that you can choose from. Lean meats, coconut oil, chia seeds, olive oil, nuts, eggs, and avocados are just a few great options for adding healthy fats to your diet. An easy win for healthy fats is at breakfast – eggs, avocado and salmon are power pairs and easy to do.

Many people get dehydrated in the winter, because it is less comfortable to drink cool water and, well let’s be honest, we hit the baileys hard this time of year. Dehydration often results in skin with inadequate moisture which reduces the protection you have in your skin barrier, which can cause a multitude of other issues with the health of your skin.

If you do nothing else for your skin this Christmas do this one thing - ensure that you remain hydrated to protect your skin.

Techniques for Healthy Skin in Winter

No Wim Hof ice baths are not required, but if you do, wear sunscreen. Many people overlook the importance of sunscreen during overcast winter days. However, UV rays can reflect off the surface of snow/frost, which puts you at higher risk of sun damage. Many people assume that tanning booths can add much needed vitamin D to their skin, but these systems are capable of causing significant amounts of skin damage so perhaps refrain from over using the tanning shop.

If you can manage it after the turkey, exercise can be a huge benefit for your skin, as it warms the surface and enhances the circulation of the blood. Even walking is great for your getting blood circulation flowing to distribute those valuable nutrients that you consumed at breakfast.

In the cold it goes without saying but, you should also try to keep the skin covered as much as possible. This can both prevent damage from UV rays, as well as ensure that cold winter winds don’t dry out the skin.

Winter weather

Keep the heat in your home lower, as it is better for your skin to wear more layers than to expose it to excessive heating.

Limit the amount of time that you spend exfoliating your skin in the winter, especially if it is already rather dry. Hot baths and showers can cause damage to the protective layers of your skin, so it is important to avoid these as well.

Use only mild soap and products that won’t dry out already dry skin. You may also want to consider implementing a humidifier to your building. This can help to counteract the drying effect of many heating systems.

And moisturise

It is vital to introduce a heavy-duty moisturizer to keep your skin healthy and moisturized countering the drying out that is caused by the environment. Our 28 Day Skin Facial Mosituriser is perfect for this of course, and it makes an excellent last-minute gift 😉



Photos by Kristin Vogt: and Monstera Production:

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