Why eating more fat will make your skin healthy?

Increasing your intake of healthy fats stands out as a highly effective method for enhancing skin health. Fats play a pivotal role in hormone balance, liver detoxification, gut lining healing, inflammation reduction, insulin level equilibrium, and facilitating the absorption of essential nutrients like Vitamin A—a crucial element for skin well-being (and if you're not aware of its importance, it's substantial).

Coming from someone who practically subsisted on fat-free yogurt for the past three years, the notion of incorporating more fats may seem unfamiliar. However, a growing body of evidence supports the idea that adopting a high-fat/low-carb diet not only benefits your skin but also contributes to overall health.

However, there are nuances to consider:

➕ If your metabolism is underperforming, generating sufficient energy might become challenging, leading to pronounced fatigue during this dietary shift.

➕ Individuals with adrenal or thyroid issues might necessitate a higher carb intake (not from pizza, but from sources like potatoes, carrots, and squashes) to support blood sugar regulation and hormone conversion.

➕ For those dealing with infections or candida issues, a high-fat, low-carb diet might not be conducive to addressing these conditions.

Your mileage may vary (YMMV), and the best approach is to experiment incrementally—observe how your body responds. The key lies in making small changes consistently, as these are easier to adopt, maintain, and have a higher likelihood of yielding desired results.

You may wonder, "How can I start?"

Initiate with small adjustments, such as incorporating nuts and seeds into your meals. Swap raw vegetables for those roasted or stir-fried in healthy fats like ghee, coconut oil, or duck fat. This not only increases your fat intake but also enhances nutrient absorption from the vegetables. In salad-friendly weather, consider adding high-fat, nutritious foods like seeds, salmon, olive oil dressing, goat cheese, or avocado. Experiment with adding melted fats, such as ghee, coconut oil, or butter, to your smoothies for a creamier and more satiating texture. Additionally, a quick online search for "fat bombs" offers numerous non-sugary snack options to explore.

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